Friday, 27 May 2011

biggest ever.

Number 12.
 Number 13
 Number 14
 Number 15- Boob tree and shoooes
 Number 16
 Number 17- family portrait time
 Number 18- people at walmart.
 Number 19- Just lines
 Number 20- snake eyes!

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

This is a Long one, days 7,8,9,10,11!

Firstly I apologize for my lack of updating this, it can be hard to get a scanner and internet together at once.

Kicking it off with day 7, still on my tree kick!

On day 8, things took a shitty turn...
And on day 9, we see some realllly cute owls :D

Now, on day 10, a crazy hamster on a wheel...

and finally, my fave of all, the party cats n birds tree!! That brings me up to date guys!

Saturday, 14 May 2011

Days 5 and 6!

So on wednesday night I watched a pretty good BBC series on animals. I was really engaged with the octopus, so I drew that, and then friday, I had a beer and I drew a tree!

sorry for the delay, blogger was down!


Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Day 4

Well, not everyday is a good day in drawing land, and I feel this one lacks lustre, but, all the more ready to accept this challenge, and onto another day.

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Day 3

Hello everyone, and welcome, to the 3rd day.

I was inspired by the lack of trees, and the janitors new Henry Vacuum.

Monday, 9 May 2011

Days 1 and 2

So I decided to build a blog. Tada.
Look at my art!
*proud face*

Day 1-
This is the first drawing in the new Fabriano sketch book, to begin a series I call 365, you guessed it, a drawing a day for a year (hopefully).
Day 2-
I got inspired after cooking some pretty delicious cinnamon rolls (recipe below). Check out that bee.

Vegan Yum Yum Cinnabon Cinnabuns